Nowadays, online casinos is a very popular form of entertainment and earnings. And every beginner who seriously set about trying to play roulette, is actually in a potential danger of losing the funds. It's not even about the proper calculations and chances of winning, but about things like the correct behavior in the online casino and bypassing some doubtful offers.

I hope, and it's better to say - I'm sure, that this article will help any inexperienced player to save hundreds of dollars.

Let's perhaps start with the hit parade of populars scams, that you can meet in the global network doday:

- The ceremonial FIRST PRIZE went to the "lovely" Martingale system!

It is the oldest, but apparently immortal way of cheating gullible people ... So, you go to some website where a very kind and generous man indecently free shares his "author" system of gambling. He talks about a system, where you should make bet on a single color and double it until it will win. He leads a seemingly very logical arguments, such as "a single color can not fall more than 5 times" and so on .... And in general, he removes all the objections of the user who already sees himself a millionaire, sipping mojitos on his yacht...

What's the catch? - It's very easy! This man names a specific casinos where the system is supposedly works well. And when the user follows on the links on that website, he became a referal of that "good man" to whom the casino pays a generous percentage of the money amount that referral have lost. In other words, it's affiliate program. And I do not think I need to explain that the Martingale system in the form in which it is served on such sites is directed to take people's money ...
There is an interesting fact - many players start thier gambling way right after they visit such website, and losing some money.

- The SECOND PRIZE in the category "everything for the people" goes to another "good-natured gentleman", which offers users a "work in a casino".

He says that he is the administrator of one of the casinos, and knows the super-secret strategy to beat their roulette. Working conditions are very simple: You get an account with some money, and you are playing there. After a certain amount of wins, the "admin" takes this money and pays you a percentage. "It's not a job, but just a fairy tale!" - So many people think when they get involved in this adventure ...

What's the catch? - It's quite clear! When the "admin" takes money out of the account, and you wait for the promised reward, you receive a letter (or message), with approximately the following text: "Thanks for the job. The main thing is that you have gained experience, and now you know how to beat the roulette. But I will not pay for you, sorry ... "

And this is not the end of this scam... So, deceived user is angry at first, but then he thinks - "Indeed, now I know how to beat the casino" .... He deposits his own money into new account in that casino, but the magic system is not working anymore, and the player's balance is burned.

The truth is that this man is really the admin (owner) of the casino, and in this way he simply draws the players to his website, and profiting on the people's desire of easy money.

- The THIRD PRIZE I want to give to the programs, promising "casino hacking", about which I have already mentioned here (<- link to the article).

- The FORTH, but very honorable PRIZE goes to "free" roulette software.

I'll start with the fact that not all free programs are relate to what I'm going to tell. But I'm talking about such popular offerings as, for example, "Roulette Bot Plus". This automatic program is free, and the authors argue that earn exclusively on donations of satisfied users!

What's the catch? - Everything is clear! This program is not just recommended, but specifically insists on registeting in specific casinos. With which, as you already guessed, they work in partnership, and receive a percentage of the revenue earned from the casino players. Therefore, they absolutely do not care will you "thank" them or not. They will get their money when you lose (or rather, when the program loses).
By the way, you can win with this program (I've heard such stories), but still there are more cases when the program openly and mercilessly burn the balance. Make your own conclusions then, as the essence of this proposal, I explained to you.

Summing up of the aforementioned "figures", I want every newcomer to clearly understand that such offers with the words "free" or "100%" should guard twice. Especially when it comes to online casinos and roulette in particular. Be careful! And if I have not convinced you yet, apparently, you are karmically predisposed to loss of several hundred dollars.

In the second part of this article I want to talk about the casinos, and how to avoid unintended loss of money.

One of the advantages of online casinos - it unties the hands of the user, and each player will sooner or later begin to think about how to use some tricks to increase the chances of winning.

Perhaps the most popular move -
is the periodic creation of new accounts. In other words, a player thinks that the casino can keep information about his wins and losses, and if create a new account, then, accordingly, that player becomes the "new" user, with a clean history.
Of course, there is a certain logic, however, the catch is that not all casinos allow you to create multiple user accounts. And what's more, they have the means to monitor such violations.

So one day one of my clients have successfully used the program Wheel Daemon 4.0 in Futuriti casino and won about $ 500. It's no doubt, he was very happy about it, but when he made a withdrawal request, he received about the following response: "We found that you have created multiple user accounts, which is prohibited by our user agreement. According to the rules, we reserve the right to block any additional accounts "... And now guess, what account they eventually blocked?
Should I speak here "what a bad Futurity casino»? - Definitely not. In this situation, they only correctly operate the terms of User Agreement. They haven't violated the rules, as opposed to that user.

And in this case, the FIRST ADVICE:
"Before you implement any trick - do not be lazy to read the user agreement of the casino."
(and if there is no specific prohibition in terms - act).

Далее, хочу рассказать о процессе регистрации в казино.

Somehow it happened that many users do not want to provide accurate information about themselves (name, surname, etc ...). And some online casinos are taking it properly, allowing the user to be completely anonymous. But it is necessary to understand that such a large platforms, as Playtech, can request the  user's identity. Means - to send a scan of a passport or driving license. And if your name is John Smith, but you have registered as Bruce Willis, the ability to withdraw your winnings in that casino will be lost forever.

This is the way the casino can get an impressive additional monthly income at the expense of the inexperienced players who decided to play a role of "secret agent".

So, the SECOND ADVICE: "Do not be afraid to register your real information."
Believe me, the casino will not, and furthermore, will not be able to use your data in any way against you (of course, if you didn't decide to hack their server and steal the money from other user accounts). User identity is a standard procedure that is used not only in the casinos. By the way, some users, when registering in a new casino, asks support to make identity procedure in advance, for furhter playing with no problems or questions.

So in conclusion, I want to talk about choosing the casino and some precautions.

It is clear that if you read the reviews on the Internet about the casinos, there are can be found both good and bad. The point here is that for the most of these reviews are not real, i.e. casinos write nasty things about each other, and write charms about themselves.
In my view, to make the right choice of casino you need to focus on its globality. The larger the organization, so as a rule, the more it values its reputation, and therefore the risk of fraud is much lower there than in some "village" casinos with scary design and the lack of online support ...

Again there was a case with one of my clients who have won about $2500 in of the "small" casinos, using R-Matrix 1.7.  And when he requested the withdrawal, he received no response. Tech support just stopped responding at all, and the user didn't get any money from them. But then he went to the casino azartplay (russian), happily won there the same $ 2500 and withdraw them without any problems.

How to protect yourself from such unfortunate situations?
TIP #3:
"Do not accumulate a large sums on the casino balance. Make frequent withdrawals."
So you can protect yourself from possible dishonesty of the casinos, as well as from your own passion (you can't loose more money than you have on the balance).

To sum up this long, but I hope useful for you information, I want to say that fit all the subtleties and nuances in one article is very difficult, and if you do that, you will get a whole book rather than an article... But today, I shared you the basic things that will ​​exactly save you from various misunderstandings, that you may encounter, being the casino player.

I would also like to add that purchasing my software, you become a trusted client, and will always be able to count on my help, guidance and advices.

Good luck in the game!


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In the heyday of online casinos and massive gambling, also appeared some offers, that promise user an easy win.
Someone began to sell their own profitable strategies for playing, and some began developing software for roulette...


It turns out, that most of roulette players either had experience in FOREX trading, or positively look this way. And often we can hear such phrases as "It's better to trade on FOREX, then play roulette...». I'm sure, someone will be surprised, that I put together such seemingly different things. But...


Nowadays, online casinos is a very popular form of entertainment and earnings. And every beginner who seriously set about trying to play roulette, is actually in a potential danger of losing the funds. It's not even about the proper calculations and chances of winning, but about things like the correct behavior in the online casino...


As we know, roulette is a game of chances. And someone will say that trying to predict the chance is at least stupid and presumptuous! But personally my life experience and the experience of my professional activity show that there is...


Risks in online casinos. Useful advises...

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The new version of R-Matrix, which includes improved predicting algorithms, as well as an innovative mode using numerological matrices...
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Add-on to the R-Matrix. Powerful engineering app that calculates probabilities by numbers using special coefficients...
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A new version of the most powerful program for playing dozens/columns with an unprecedented set of functions and newest super system "phase correction of step size"!
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A new look at the strategy of playing blackjack with a new method of counting cards and an unusual betting system...
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In the development...
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